Welcome Back! (:

Step Three ! (: 

Hi everyone! Michelle and I would like to apologize for not posting anything recently about our miracle dolls for the kids at the fountain Valley Regional Hospital. We have just been really busy with both school and outside activities, which has given us no time to meet up and catch up on our innovation project. However, we are happy to blog more this week about the progress we had this Saturday.



 As always Michelle and I met at the fountain valley library to discuss future events, and our steps towards finishing our miracle dolls. Now that our teacher has given us a deadline, we have to work more diligently to meet our goal of creating 50 dolls by the last week of April. We are super excited because we will be pairing up with Mr. Ziebarth’s junior class who are also inspired to innovate a project that they are fascinated with. We will be displaying our dolls and describing both our challenges and triumphs that we had throughout the process of making the dolls. What we are most thrilled about is sharing finishing up the fresh batches of dolls and give them to the kids at the hospital. We are eager to see how their adorable faces lighten up as they express their feelings on the dolls and feel comforted by them.



Thus, this Saturday we bought more neutral cloth from Joana’s, a fabric fusion glue, and pink cloth. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the lighter bash color that we has bought last time, so we had to only purchase the darker tone. As we contemplated on the shades of cloth, we figured out that it would be much easier for the kids to write on the dolls if we didn’t place a build a bear heart on it. We though it would be a bother for them to write on the dolls and it would eventually fall off with the fabric fusion glue because it is so dense and stuffed. Thus, we chose to purchase a light, fuzzy cloth, similar to the ones we have been getting for the dolls, so that we can make heart cut outs of our choice and glue them on the dolls. That way they will stay on longer and it would interfere with the child’s writing on the dolls.



We have also decided whether to place the blue or pink ribbon on the right side of the arm of each miracle doll with a small phrase or word hole punched to each ribbon. Our goal is to type words such as: 

-never give up

-believe in yourself

-stay strong




-conquer your fears

-think positively

-your special

-your loved

– keep smile


Each with a caption saying miracle dolls on it with different colored paper. We figured that since the kids will be keeping the dolls and, which we hope they do so that they not only help them purge their emotions out, but make them look back at the doll when their older and serve as a way of recover for what they have gone through, we plan on laminating the caption. 


Furthermore, since we also cut out more layouts for the dolls, Michelle took those layouts to sew them and she gave me the ones she had previously sewed so that I could stuff them. So far we have a total of 24 dolls, both with stuffing and without. Our mission is to have our first official doll( with a ribbon, small note of inspiration, and the pink cloth heart) by next week ! We are anxious to show your guys how our final product will be. This will gives an opportunity to see if our final miracle doll is what we expect, and if not we can alter the rest before the due date. 



Finally, due to insufficient money, Michelle and I will plan another bake sale. This time it is much easier to locate a place where we can sell our dolls because it’s track season. Thus, we can sell our delicious, homemade baked goods at any track event. We plan to sell them on April 3rd at 2:30, but still need the consent of our Coach to allow us to sell the baked goods. This meet is super important because we will compete with Edison and Huntington Beach. Hence, it would be amazing if many came to cheer our school and devour on our goods. 

We want to sell:

-soft chocolate chip cookies


-cupcakes topped with pink and blue frosting

-either blueberry or glazed donuts 



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Although we still need to figure out how much we will be selling our baked goods for we are thinking that the donuts, cupcakes, and lemonade will be $1 and the cookies 2 for $1 and the brownies 50 cents. We will keep you guys posted for more information.

Overall, we made progress today and have finalized our due dates to complete our miracle dolls. Please come out to support our bake sale on April 3rd and follow us on Instagram at miracle_dolls and twitter at Miracle_dolls. I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend !! (: 
